Christmas events with IFMSA-Poland

Join us for this year’s edition of the “Teddy bear under the hospital Christmas tree” campaign! All profits from the Christmas cake fair (11-12 December 2018) and Christmas concert (13 December 2018) will be used entirely for charity-based projects.  

100th anniversary of Polish Independence

11 November, Poland’s Independence Day, is a national holiday and commemorates regaining independence in 1918. This year's celebrations will be special, as they mark the 100th anniversary of Polish Independence!

Matriculation at the Faculty of Medicine

The official matriculation ceremony for the Polish and international first-year students of the Faculty of Medicine was held on 10 October 2018.

Erasmus+ Students have arrived!

A few days ago we had the pleasure of welcoming our guests - 33 Erasmus+ students from Italy, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Turkey. They are going to study at our University this academic year. Most of them are medicine students, but there are also students of physiotherapy, nursing and pharmacy.

Inauguration of academic year 2018/2019

The official opening ceremony of the academic year 2018/2019 was held on 2 October 2018 in Toruń.

World Heart Day in Bydgoszcz – join the event!

The World Heart Day will be celebrated worldwide on 29 September 2018. The event is organised annually by the World Heart Federation to raise public awareness about cardiovascular disease – the major cause of death in the world today.

Professor Jawień among the renowned

On 8 September 2018, Professor Arkadiusz Jawień, head of the Department of Vascular Surgery and Angiology and of the Centre for Medical Education in English, unveiled his autograph embedded in the pavement of Długa Street in Bydgoszcz.

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