On 23 April 2014, the first on-line Open Doors event was held in our University. It was dedicated to international candidates who might be interested in coming to study at Collegium Medicum. The idea of the project was to familiarise prospective candidates with the specificity of our school and the programs that we offer in English, and to allow the candidates a possibility to interact with our students.
On 23 April 2014, the first on-line Open Doors event was held in our University. It was dedicated to international candidates who might be interested in coming to study at Collegium Medicum.
The idea of the project was to familiarise prospective candidates with the specificity of our school and the programs that we offer in English, and to allow the candidates a possibility to interact with our students. The program featured live interviews with representatives of our teaching staff, as well as students who shared their impressions of living in our beautiful city. They also presented one of the many practical skills gained when studying medicine – surgical suturing. A few of our students were available via Skype, ready to answer any questions concerning studying at Collegium Medicum.
The program culminated with a warm invitation to join us in Bydgoszcz. We would like to express our sincere thanks to everyone who contributed to the success of the project!
The Virtual Open Doors event was held as part of the project entitled Wsparcie zarządzania procesem rekrutacji studentów z zagranicy w polskich uczelniach [Support for the management of international student recruitment to Polish higher education institutions] – POKL.04.01.03.-00-001/13-00 (Promocja kształcenia na polskich uczelniach wśród cudzoziemców realizowane w ramach zadania 2 [Promotion of education at Polish higher education institutions to foreigners undertaken within task 2]).