30th January 2017

On 27 January 2017, two students of NCU Collegium Medicum, Kasia and Natalia, set out on a medical journey to Ghana to carry out their own charity project “Paramedics for Africa”. The enterprise is directly supported by NCU Collegium Medicum.

Paramedics for Africa - logoOn 27 January 2017, two students of NCU Collegium Medicum, Kasia and Natalia, set out on a medical journey to Ghana to carry out their own charity project “Paramedics for Africa”. The enterprise is directly supported by NCU Collegium Medicum.

Inspired by their previous stay in Africa and equipped with valuable experience gained during the campaign, the students decided to return and continue with their charity mission. The main objective of the project is to provide medical equipment and run an intensive course in basic diagnostics and emergency medicine for volunteers working in emergency medical services in Ghana. As many as 150 Ghanaian paramedics signed up to participate in the training course.

Kasia is currently a student of the Public health program and a graduate of the Emergency medical science program. She has already coordinated several medical projects in Africa. Natalia is a student of Nursing and a graduate of the Emergency medical science program as well. The two paramedics want to put their knowledge and skills into practice and use it to provide direct support the Ghanaian society.