19th April 2018

A unique and fantastic event was held at NCU Collegium Medicum on 15 April 2018 – the first ever Multicultural Day organised by our English Division students.

A unique and fantastic event was held at NCU Collegium Medicum on 15 April 2018 – the first ever Multicultural Day organised by our English Division students. Collegium Medicum is a community of students from all over the world and therefore there is no better place to host such an integrative happening.

Multicultural Day 2018

The event was organised with the aim of showcasing the vibrancy and contribution of the university’s multiculturalism, fostering cross-cultural awareness, understanding, and respect, providing students with an opportunity to preserve and share their traditions, as well as cherishing and broadening the knowledge of various cultures represented by Collegium Medicum students.

Multicultural Day featured wonderful culture-related performances, as well as games and quizzes focused on cross-cultural awareness. Visitors had a unique opportunity to sample culinary delights from different parts of the world or get a fine Indian henna tattoo. The event undoubtedly served as a platform for promoting the cultural diversity of Collegium Medicum.

Written by: Anita Rose Babu, MS