New Erasmus Faces…

Collegium Medicum welcomed new Erasmus students who arrived in Bydgoszcz from Albania, Italy, Kosovo, Macedonia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Turkey. Their Polish Study Buddies helped them to face the challenges of their new reality. We welcomed our guests in a traditional Polish way – with bread and salt, whereas they brought traditional snacks from their home countries. Later, we walked around the city together and visited Museum of Soap and Dirt, where we had soap-making workshops.

Erasmus+ recruitment has started!

If you are interested in studying abroad within the Erasmus+ exchange programme in the academic year 2020/21, please submit the application documents to the Department of Projects and International Cooperation (ul. Jagiellońska 13, building A, room 20 – entrance form ul. 3 Maja).

University Day 2020

The Nicolaus Copernicus University will be celebrating its University Day on 19 February 2020 – the 557th birth anniversary of its patron, Nicolaus Copernicus (born 19 February 1473). As each year, a special ceremony will be held as a tribute to the man who “stopped the Sun and moved the Earth”.

New waste segregation rules in Poland

New year provides a great opportunity to implement environmentally friendly solutions on a larger scale. This is why new waste segregation rules have been introduced in Poland, valid as of 1 January 2020.

Distinguished Citizens of Bydgoszcz

A hundred years ago, on 20 January 1920, Bydgoszcz officially regained the status of a Polish city after 148 years of annexation to Prussia. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of this return to the Motherland, the title of Distinguished Citizens of Bydgoszcz was awarded to outstanding individuals who contributed to the development of the city and served Poland and the Polish cause.

New Vice-Rector for Collegium Medicum

Prof. dr hab. Jacek Manitius has been appointed as the Vice-Rector for Collegium Medicum. His term of office began on 1 December 2019. Prof. Manitius took over the post after prof. dr hab. Grażyna Odrowąż-Sypniewska, who is now retired.

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