30th May 2017

We are proud to inform you that once again students of the 6-year MD Programme in English at NCU Collegium Medicum achieved a notable success at the National Inter-University Anatomy Competition Scapula Aurea and Golden Scapula.

Scapula Aurea 2017 - MD Programme in English at NCU Collegium Medicum studentsWe are proud to inform you that once again students of the 6-year MD Programme in English at NCU Collegium Medicum achieved a notable success at the National Inter-University Anatomy Competition Scapula Aurea and Golden Scapula. This year’s edition was held at the Jagiellonian University Medical College on 27 May 2017.

This annually-held contest is addressed to Polish-language (Scapula Aurea) and English-language (Golden Scapula) students of medicine, and each participating medical university is represented by a team of four pre-selected students. The participants represent higher education institutions from all over the country.

The practical test involves the identification of 50 anatomical structures from formalin-fixed specimens and in x-ray, CT and MRI images. The theoretical part consists of 100 single choice questions related to normal, topographic, clinical and neurological anatomy.

In the individual ranking, Neil Courtney from our English Division took 4th place. He achieved the highest score (60 points) in the theoretical test, besting all other international students studying in Poland. The practical part was not as successful, for which reason he was only one point short form winning the 3rd place.

In the team ranking, a team of our international students also took 4th place. Nimat Andisha and Tipsuda Termboontavorn received honourable mention.

This is another achievement of our students in this prestigious contest. In 2014, a team of Polish students took 1st place and a team of international students took 2nd place in the competition. In 2015, Collegium Medicum students dominated the podium, taking 1st places in individual and team rankings of both Polish and international competitors. In last year’s edition on the contest, our students were among top Polish competitors – they took 2nd places in both the individual and team ranking.
