Join us for the Bicycle Rally which will be held on 9 October 2016, starting at 11.30 am at the Old Town Square of Bydgoszcz. The event is organised by the Bydgoszcz Branch of the Polish Cardiac Society on the occasion of the World Heart Day 2016.
Join us for the Bicycle Rally which will be held on 9 October 2016, starting at 11.30 am at the Old Town Square of Bydgoszcz. The event is organised by the Bydgoszcz Branch of the Polish Cardiac Society on the occasion of the World Heart Day 2016. The Bicycle Rally is part of the social campaign “Dbaj o serce” [Take care of your heart] held throughout Poland with the aim of promoting healthy behaviours within local communities.
The World Heart Day is organised by the World Heart Federation with a view to raising public awareness about cardiovascular disease (CVD) – the major cause of death and disability in the world today. It is estimated that every year over 17.5 million people die from CVD. It is no secret, however, that most of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease can be controlled using easily available methods. Being active, eating more healthily, maintaining a healthy weight, checking blood pressure and glucose regularly or quitting smoking – these are just some of the things that we can do to protect our hearts from the risk of CVD. As the World Heart Federation rightly puts it: “Your heart is at the heart of your health. And it’s easy to give it the care it deserves”.
For more information concerning the World Heart Day as well as the risks and prevention of CVD, visit the official website of the event >>