Rector hours 12 November

By the decision of the Rector of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń prof. dr hab. Andrzej Sokala, 12 November will be free from classes.


Virtual walk

Loading… window.addEventListener('load',function() { if (typeof Tour_CSM_pano2vrPlayer != 'undefined') { pano_0_5452=new Tour_CSM_pano2vrPlayer('ggpkg_container_0_5452'); } else { pano_0_5452=new pano2vrPlayer('ggpkg_container_0_5452'); } if (typeof Tour_CSM_pano2vrSkin != 'undefined') { skin_0_5452=new Tour_CSM_pano2vrSkin(pano_0_5452, ''); } else { skin_0_5452=new pano2vrSkin(pano_0_5452, [...]

From sense to mind –Dr. Kujawski on the Nobel Prize for Medicine or Physiology

- The awarded discoveries in the area of human physiology help us understand the mysteries about the way our body's function: why do we feel cold while brushing our teeth with menthol or why touching your eyes after chopping a spicy pepper is not a good idea? – explains Dr. Sławomir Kujawski from the Faculty of Health Sciences of Collegium Medicum, NCU.

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